Hmm. So, women belong in the home, having children. Period?

I liked it up til we arrived at that. Did I misunderstand you?

NOBODY should be kept from spending time with their children in a shit job, should they wish to have children. And nobody should should be told their dreams won't be possible because of their gender.

If WOMEN decide to devote themselves to children and home only, and they decide that individually, of their own free will, without any coercion, then I'm all for it. But not because men tell them so, or even if other women tell them so. I imagine the utter outrage (and backlash) that would happen if women told men how men ought to live/be/feel.

It's really down to the individual, isn't it? And I'm not saying all this "trans" stuff is healthy. What's UN-healthy is the rigidity of creating ROLES for each gender and then shaming or punishing anyone who steps outside those roles.

We should all be free to be who we are, without having to change our bodies or fit into some context that is determined by someone else. The concept of FREEDOM is not dead. And it should be applied to everyone. EVERYONE. And we've yet to ever see this kind of society in our living memory, or in any of the history we've known in Western culture. Bits of it in other cultures, yes, but not what we Anglo-Saxons have had.

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